Friday, February 17, 2012

Day Twenty-four

Getting this up a bit late but better late than never.

Breakfast: My usual egg sandwich, banana and 20oz of cold water.

Snack: Yogurt w/almonds and a half a thin chocolate bar.

Lunch: A spinach mix with fish, cauliflower, yam, quinoa, red pepper, and salsa.

Snack: Apple and peanut butter.

Dinner: The leftovers from the night before that I didn't eat then.  Also threw in cauliflower and more spinach and a salmon patty.  This was all tied together with two eggs and baked in the oven.  I then had a skinny bun toasted w/ a lemon curd spread and three potato patties.  I was up late so didn't go to bed until 12midnite and got up at 7:45 am.

Went to the gym after work ( yes! 4 days of gym).  I'll take tonite off (Friday) as Sat with L is just around the corner or about 24 hours away. 

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