Sunday, February 5, 2012

Day Twelve part two

So here's the skinny or should it be the fatty?  Dinner with friends during a social gathering involving action and adventure along with food.  I do this every Sat and it's always a challenge to see if I can make it thru without over indulging.  Not sure if I succeeded this time but here's the damage.

Dinner:  A big ham baked in the oven.  This in turn was sandwiches on rye bread and a hard roll x2 but not all at once.  The sandwiches were accompanied by a broccoli salad from Hagen's, pork rinds (two handfuls).  I had less then 10 potato chips, instead ate a few mini peppers.  Seemed to satisfy my possible craving for chips.  The sandwiches consisted of ham, avocado,swiss cheese (1 slice), mustard, tomato, and two slices of rye bread.  The hard rolls x2 were made up of the same composition as the rye bread sandwich they were just much smaller (about 2" in diameter).  There were home made cup cakes of which I had two.  Also a handful of M&M's.  This was spread out over a seven hour period.  I didn't drink any Mt Dew (normally would have drank two cans and possibly another can of some other type of soda) just drank water.  I also grabbed a small piece or two or three of ham when going to the kitchen to get more water.

So there we go my Sat nite dinner.  I think I did fairly well except I didn't really need the third hard roll sandwich.  I could have just eaten the two sandwiches.  In hind sight that would have been the better option.  As I've said this is a learning process to adjust my thinking about eating.  If I can get my head and stomach to talk at the same time I think that would make a difference in my eating habits. 

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