Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Day sixteen

Wow.  Overall a good day.  I felt good waking up and had a good morning work out that I try to do every morning and usually succeed.  Today was the "55" short version that I do M-W-F, along with other body weight exercises.  I will say though that when I went to put on my jeans (today was a jeans day at work) they were tight.  In the past (before the holiday season) they fit better and weren't as tight.  So even though I'm back to the pre-holiday weight I obviously am not as trim as I was.  Of course the jeans had just been washed so hadn't stretched out yet, at least that's my story for now.

So I went to the gym after work (if you're keeping track that's two visits since the weekend) and based on a suggestion from L, I used the rowing machine.  Started out on the stair climber for 5 minutes and intensity of 1.  Then went to the rowing machine and rowed for 20 minutes.  Towards the end of the time I was getting the hang of it but I was hanging over the back of the seat so my butt felt out of position.  Didn't want to stop but next time I need to make sure I'm comfortable in the seat before I get going.

Here's the food list for the day:

Breakfast: Same as every work day breakfast.  Egg sandwich/banana/20oz of cold water.
Snack: Greek yogurt w/almonds
Lunch: Spinach salad with 1/2 can of tuna, cauliflower, pepper orange, tomato, and 1/2 cup of prepared quina from  Trader Joe's. 
no snack as I forgot the apple I was planning on eating.
Dinner: Spinach salad w/red pepper, cauliflower, turkey burger chopped up, cottage cheese, and mango-peach salsa.  On the side a handful of carrots sliced like chips.

Oh yeah I had a piece of Bit-o-Honey candy at one point during the day.

I'm very interested to see what my weight is this Saturday.  I feel that I should have broken into the 240's but am also afraid of not and being disappointed.  I guess if that's the case then it just proves that I need to be more aware of what I'm eating and how much exercise I'm really getting.  As we all know the only real way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you take in.  I think also it depends on how and what you eat.  Protein seems to be one of the keys along with carbs.  So I am striving to eat more protein and less carb's.  Alot harder than it sounds.  Carbs are everywhere, so for me the best bet is to be aware of what is carb-tastic and work on eating less of that.  Possibly taking protein and making it my bitch.

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