Sunday, February 12, 2012

Day nineteen

It's Saturday nite and after a grueling session of food roulette, here's the good and the bad.  As usual for Sat there was a work out and a pig out.  Which won the contest is a toss-up.  For my weekly weigh-in it was a bit of a reality check as I didn't lose any weight even though I felt like I should have.  I made it to the gym Mon, Weds, and Thurs for some good work outs.  The scale showed me the food choices I made were not conducive to continuing the weight loss I have seen the past couple of weeks.  I actually gained three pounds.  I was hoping to register under 250 for the first time in 10 years but it was not to be.  Ah well, just means I have a lot more to learn about how and what to eat to attain my goal.  It also means that exercise for me at this stage in my life is a bit more important that it might seem. 

Here's the list of food for Saturday:

Breakfast: Oatmeal mixed with two scoops of cottage cheese and a tbsp of honey.  Plus 20oz of cold water.

Lunch: After working out I came home and had a spinach salad with yellow pepper and sliced carrots.  I added cottage cheese (two scoops) and a turkey burger along with the mango-peach salsa for dressing.  Very yummy and almost satisfied me, but instead of grabbing something else I road it out and was fine.

Dinner: Here's where it gets tricky.  My usual Sat nite game group and pig out was tacos.  Ground beef in a taco mix.  I had two burritos made with sour cream, refried beans, taco meat, avocado, cheese, shredded lettuce and tomato.  There were donut holes and I had 4-5 of those along with two handfuls of M&M's, enough peanut brittle to tide me over for the next year and a couple of gummy candy's.  I also had a cereal bowl full of chips and cheese along with taco meat and sour cream turned into nachos.  I drank water the entire nite except for one can of Starbucks double shot espresso (6.5 oz).  My one consolation to healthy were the tortilla's.  They were low carb/high fiber mix and only 100 cal each.  That's instead of the normal tortilla's that are upwards of 180 cal and such.  I only had two burritos and that's a win as normally I would have three or maybe four before the nite would end.  I do feel good about limiting myself and still enjoying the evening.  Of course looking at all the other stuff ( the candy and the nachos) I still didn't help myself much.

Well as I say, tomorrow is another day and it just keeps coming no matter what you do.  So you might as well try to make the best possible choices.

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