Monday, May 27, 2013

Day 383 or The Cookie/Brownie/Pretzel/Cracker Freeforall

So I just noticed that I'm 6 posts away from 500 posts.  Not all of these have been about my journey to living forever but most are.  Hard to imagine I started this six years ago and I quoted Buckaroo Banzai.  He said, 'Don't be mean'.  That's a nice thought.  All I'd add would be, "listen to Lorinda."
So it's Friday and that means my food options will be all over the board.  In fact today is a birthday at work so all bets are off.  I've done a pretty good job this week of being careful but it just got a lot harder.  One word, cookies.  Yep that's it I'm done.  Also it's meet up with the D&D group tonight so that will be interesting also.

Breakfast: Because I knew I was going to be eating poorly today I modified my breakfast a bit.  I still had two eggs, turkey, tomato, Swiss cheese and avocado but didn't have the Wasa Crisp crackers.  I still had my 20oz of water though.

1st snack: Okay here it comes.  2 chocolate chip cookies, a brownie, and two lemon bars.

Lunch: Went out for lunch and had three street tacos from the street taco restaurant.  Then had three cookies, 2 mini cupcakes, and a brownie.  Seeing a trend here aren't we.

2nd snack: No more listing just more cookies

Dinner: Okay I did take a salad for lunch so decided to eat that at the game.  I still had three cookies, an apple with peanut butter, a rice crispy treat, 7 crackers w/peanut butter, 3 big handfuls of mixed nuts and pretzels, a low sodium V-8, and an adult beverage.  Whew!  That was over a five and a half hour period.

Nothing more to say as I think I've said enough.

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