Sunday, May 19, 2013

Day 378

So it's run at Padden day and I've finally injured myself running.  I was in the first 3-4 minutes and suddenly my left calf muscle decided it was very unhappy at the current state of things.  I had just started to run and I probably wasn't warmed up properly, even though this time was no different than normal.  So there we go.  I did continue (I figured if I could still move without any sharp pain I was okay).  By the time I completed the run (35min by the way) though I was definitely feeling like my calf needed some luv.  I went home and put some Biofreeze on it and stretched a bit.  It didn't seem to really change much and I had to keep moving so off to grocery shopping I went.

Of course grocery shopping was an adventure.  My calf didn't feel any worse but when I got to the check out I discovered I'd left my wallet in the car.  So there I am hobbling a bit as fast as I can to get my wallet.  Again probably not the smartest but as I said no sharp pain so, go for it.

When I got home after grocery shopping I did put it up on an ice pack and that did seem to make a difference.  So now it feels more like an extended cramp but not as painful and actually hardly noticeable unless I try to walk totally normal.  Yes it is causing me to walk a bit gingerly.  I've iced it twice now and figure I should probably do that again before bed time.

Breakfast: Apple and 20oz of cold water.

After run meal: A Protein drink and then a salad from TJ's with chicken and I added some more chicken.

During the day I nibbled on the roast chicken I will be having with lunch through out the week.  Along with some stir fried veggies.  For now though little chunks of chicken as I'm in a grazing mood.

Late afternoon snack: Two Wasa Rye crisp with almond butter and turkey.

Dinner: Stir fried broccoli and yellow zucchini along with a baked Cod fillet and shredded carrots and yellow zucchini.  Then a bit later an apple, Babybel cheese round and 22 almonds.

So as the day wore on my calf began to feel better.  I did ice it again and have stayed fairly immobile.  I'm thinking I will skip Tabata tomorrow and also go to the chiropractor as my neck seems to be acting up with some stiffness.  I really hate to miss Tabata but probably a good idea to let my calf rest.  It can't hurt.

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