Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Day 373

Day two of low or no carbs.  I spruced up breakfast and lunch so it was a bit better tasting than yesterday.  I did go to the gym instead of a bike ride even though the weather wasn't too bad.  I did one of L's back routines and I upped the weights as it felt too easy.  I also did some abductors and adductors work to finish off. 

Had another compliment about my looking smaller.  I'm going to be curious tomorrow (weigh in contest day) to see if I actually have lost any weight.  My pants have felt a bit tighter these last few weeks so not sure what's up.  At the same time it doesn't seem like they get tighter during the day.  By that I mean sometimes before after lunch the belt would be a bit harder to make the same belt loop.  Lately though that hasn't been the case.  Not sure what that means but I'll take it.

Breakfast: Three egg frittata with red peppers, spinach, and onion.  Today I added some avocado, hot sauce, and tomato.  Of course 20oz of cold water.

1st snack: Greek yogurt and almonds.  I've been just eye-balling the almonds serving and have been over compensating.  So I figured it was time to see how many exactly is a serving.  Turns out the exact number is 23.  So for now I'm going to just add that many to my yogurt snack.

Lunch: Hamburger patty, shredded beef (about half of a cup), and the stir fried veggies (cauliflower, broccoli, red pepper, and onion).  I added some salsa and that seemed to make it a bit tastier.  I'll do that again tomorrow.

No 2nd snack as I continue to fine tune the meal plan.

Dinner: Protein drink.  Greek yogurt mixed with Chia seeds and almonds (23).

I noticed that I'm not hungry after eating so I may have found a balance when not doing Tabata.  I do feel I got a good workout tonight but it wasn't Tabata level.  That's okay though as I needed to change it up a bit.  Tomorrow is Tabata again and I will be ready for it.

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