Thursday, May 9, 2013

Day 366

Catching up.  I went on a bike ride after work instead of going to the gym.  The weather has been very spring like so the bike comes out.  I did lift some weights before the ride but it was just an intense two exercise superset.  I burned through it in about 20min.  Focused chest and back.  The bike ride was great and lasted about 50min.

Here's the day of food:

Breakfast: Two eggs, 3 slices of roast beef, tomato, and avocado on a skinny bun.  I threw in a low fat chocolate milk and had my 20oz of cold water.

1st snack: Greek yogurt and almonds

Lunch: Continued the green salad with spinach, chicken, cheese, rye crisp, and salsa for dressing.

2nd snack: Apple

Dinner: Protein drink and a pear mixed with a cup of cottage cheese and peach/mango salsa.  Also a 5-seed bar and a small handful of wasabi pea trail mix.

Hope the weather holds out so I can ride on Thursday.

Tomorrow is Tabata and weight contest weigh in.  I'm wondering as my pants have felt a bit tight so there may not be joy in Mudville tomorrow.

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