Sunday, May 19, 2013

Day 376

Yay, I rode my bike to work today!  It was fine as the weather cooperated in the morning and only sprinkled a little on the way home.  I'm wondering now if I should try to do this more often?  If the weather gets nicer it might be a possibility.
I didn't have my normal breakfast to day as I used up all the eggs for the previous four days but still had a good tasting breakfast.  I may try this one for a break in my normal morning breakfast routine.

Breakfast: Two Wasa Rye crisp crackers with three slices of turkey each with avocado and tomato.  20oz of cold water.  This was a satisfying breakfast and rather healthy too.

1st snack: Greek yogurt and almonds (24)  This is the new standard for the almonds.

Lunch: This was a frozen pre-packaged entrée from TJ's.  It consisted of a piece of fish and some veggie.  I added more veggie.  Cauliflower, broccoli, and yellow zucchini with some salsa.

No 2nd snack other than my usual green ice tea.

Dinner: I fried up a hamburger patty and then stir fried some broccoli, cauliflower, and yellow zucchini.  I also had a Babybel cheese round.  A bit later I had a pear mixed with mango/peach salsa.  And an adult beverage to cap the evening.

Tomorrow will be meeting with L again.  I look forward to telling her about riding the bike to work today and we'll see what she has for me.

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