Sunday, September 30, 2012

Day 247

236. Yes! I have finally started to get some results other than maintaining the weight I was. I really can tell the difference. My clothes really do fit much looser. I’ve said this before but this morning I really believed it. I told L how I know she has been a big help and influence for me. She is always telling me that it will happen I just need to keep doing what I’m doing and maybe a little more. We talked about the fact that I’d stopped eating cottage cheese and chocolate milk. That may not have had anything to do with the weight loss but we agreed it could definitely have been a factor. So for now I’m going to forgo both in favor of losing weight and experimenting to see if that is a factor. It’s funny I keep adjusting my food habits and it seems that almost every time I do it makes a bit of a difference. This stuff makes the long term more enticing. I like cottage cheese too much to completely cut it out but I guess it needs to be in moderation. Hmm imagine that, moderation. My new watch word. Okay here’s the list for today:

Breakfast: Apple Pie Larabar and 20oz of cold water.

After work out meal: Was going to a friends wedding reception so we stopped on the way and ate out. I had a burger with an onion ring and barbecue sauce on it and tater tots. I also had a beer. I didn’t eat all of the tots but still ate more than I should have, probably. Again as I’ve said in the past, out with friends you just can’t expect to be super conservative in your food choices. So you compromise and plan for the future.

Next meal: When we got to the reception it turned out there was food and not just finger food. So I was very conservative for this meal. I actually only had the following: one dinner roll size sandwich, a couple of small rice balls, two satay’s, a small veggie wrap with a thin wrap. I had an alcohol drink that had orange juice in it. That was pretty much it, there may have been another one or two selections from the above list but overall I didn’t really eat much at all. Frankly I was still very full from the earlier lunch.

After I got back I hung out with my friends and we watched a movie. After a couple of hours later we were hungry. So I had a roast beef sandwich with cheese and a tomato from their garden. Also a Mikes Harder Limeade. More alcohol.

Had a great workout with L. We again talked about my workouts and I’m going to adjust them again starting next month. I’m going back to more weights but still get in the cardio that I need to keep the weight coming off. I think I need to start working on tightening up the muscles. As L has pointed out I need to keep changing up my workouts so I don’t slow down the process. When your body gets used to a certain workout it starts to get lazy and not demand as much energy as it should to make you lose weight. I don’t want to fall into that trap.

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