Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Day Forty-two

So people have started to notice that I look like I'm losing weight even though I'm not.  I've had more than one compliment that I'm looking "good".  As I've said in the past few posts, clothes feel like they're fitting better and not all tight.  My belt is slipping easier into the third notch and it's much easier to button up my pants.  I tried on a pair of pants I bought a few months ago and they fit better than when I bought them.  They are a 46" waist without pleats, so they lay flat.  So I guess I have to just keep it up and stay focused. 

Here's food:

Breakfast: Egg sandwich with tomato and roast beef.  Includes avocado.  Banana and 20oz of cold water.

Snack: Greek yogurt w/almonds

Lunch:  Split pea soup from Trader Joe's and broccoli.

Snack:  Apple with peanut butter

Dinner: Salad with cauliflower, tomato, cottage cheese, flax seeds, salmon patty, broccoli.  Mixed in some mango-peach salsa.  Large handful of carrot chips and hummus.

Had two pieces of candy today and I feel like I need some ice cream so will be looking for that soon.  Went to the gym after work and did the cardio work out.  I did 15 min on the rowing machine and then jumped onto the recumbent bike for 18min ( I did the hill sprints )followed by 7 min on the treadmill.

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