Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Day Forty-seven

Since I took a day off and am just now (two days later) entering my food for the day that's all you get for this one:

Breakfast: Egg sandwich w/roast beef, tomato, and avocado.  Banana and 20oz of cold water.

Snack: Greek yogurt

Lunch: Box lunch from Haggen's.  Deli Club sandwich had bacon and mayo so a bit over the top.  Also a very small bag of chips, some slices of apple and some grapes.  A cookie but I actually ate two cookies as fellow co-worker didn't want hers.

Snack: Apple with peanut butter

Dinner: Broccoli salad with salmon patty, cottage cheese, and mini peppers (yes their back).  I also had some baby carrots with hummus.

Went to the gym after work did 40 min of cardio.

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