Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Day Fifty-six

Steady progress comes from doing the little things everyday.  I try to be conscious of what I'm eating at the moment and thinking about it helps to not over indulge.  At the same time it seems that the brain knows you're wanting to pile it on and dive in.  But you can't give in or all the hard work you've been doing will go down the drain.  Little victories are the way to go and don't beat yourself up if you slip.  Getting down on yourself just makes it worse and you might create a cycle you can't pull out of.  It's better to indulge some than not at all and then binge the night away.  With that in mind here's the food log blog for today:

Breakfast: Egg sandwich with roast beef, avocado, and tomato on a skinny bun.  Banana and 20oz of cold water.

Snack: Greek yogurt and almonds

Lunch: Blackened cod wrap with avocado, tomato, asparagus and beet greens, cheese, and quinoa.  I've eaten this all week so far and it's held up in the tastes "pretty good" sweepstakes.

Snack: Apple w/peanut butter

Dinner: Went off the reservation and had a sandwich.  Healthy bread, roast beef, deli turkey, avocado, spinach,tomato, and an egg.  Finished off the roasted beets and yam.  Carrot chips and hummus.  Had a serving of PoP chips and then fifteen minutes later had a banana.

Went to the gym after work and took a break from cardio.  That will be part of the routine from now on.  In the middle of the week I'll incorporate a weight lifting type workout.  L has given me enough ideas and actual workouts that I can come up with a workout that works for the amount of time I want to take.  So I did a workout working my back and chest along with abs.  I then did 18 minutes on the recumbent bike, riding hills and sprints.  Same amount of time as the 40 minutes of cardio so I got home at the same time as usual.

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