Wow what a day it's been. It was a potluck at work today. A smorgasbord of food and it was all bad for you but yummy. I ate stuff I haven't eaten for quite awhile and enjoyed it all. I may pay for it on the scale tomorrow but we'll see. So here you go and don't you feel jealous:
Breakfast: Egg sandwich with roast beef, tomato, and avocado on a skinny bun. Banana and 20oz of cold water.
Snack: A small serving of potato salad, a small bowl of party chex mix and some other stuff that tasted great but was fairly bad for me.
Lunch: Here's where it gets crazy. I had a plate of nachos. It was tortilla chips and cheese covered in chili with some sour cream and salsa. Then some green bean casserole topped with deep fried onions from a can. Followed by a chix drumstick and something that seemed to be maybe a stiff pudding with corn in it? Then had a small bowl of something called "Sex in a pan". Some of the most delicious stuff I've ever had. It was basically three different types of pudding with whipped cream mixed in and a crust. Oh ya two jalapenos stuffed with mozzarella and wrapped in bacon. Wow out of this world. There was probably something else but by this time I was stuffed so was not keeping track. A bbq rib, just one.
Snack: More "Sex in a Pan", a chix wing, and a couple of handfuls of chex party mix. I was still full from lunch
Dinner: I was actually still rather full from lunch. I ended up having a plate of nachos. Actually just a plate of chips with cheese and some quinoa melted on top.
So that was my Friday menu. I hope to see another pound off the scale in the morning but won't be surprised if I'm back up. I will be disappointed though and will just have to take it in stride and keep on fighting the food fight.
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