Thursday, November 15, 2012

Day 293

Now for something completely different....haha not really.  I did try something different at the gym today and I might keep it up.  It's called Tabata Intervals.  Basically a 25 minute class where you do a specific exercise for 20 seconds, then rest for 10sec and then go again for a total of 8 sets.  You rest for a minute and then do it again with a different exercise, then rest for a minute and finish out with a different exercise.  So you end up doing three exercises for eight 20sec sets each and that's it.  Sounds easy right? Wrong!  A couple of rules, if you are doing let's say pushups and you go for 20sec doing a normal push up (on the toes not on the knees) you must continue that version for the entire eight segments, no cheating.  The objective is to keep the same intensity all the way thru to the end.  It's all up to you, not trying to keep up with the others in the class, just yourself.  I was sweating as much as I do when I follow my normal cardio workout, that takes an hour and the class only lasted 25min.  Like I said it was different and I'm willing to try again next week.  It would be a good break from my normal routine.  Here's what happened in the food arena:

Breakfast: Turkey and egg sandwich with tomato and guacamole on a skinny bun.  Banana and 20oz of cold water.

1st snack: Apple Pie Larabar

2nd snack: Greek yogurt and almonds

Lunch: Sourdough sandwich with turkey, roast beef, Swiss cheese, tomato, pickle, and peanut butter.

No 3rd snack

Dinner: Chicken meatballs mixed with stir-fried cauliflower and broccoli with salsa.  A slice of sourdough bread and almond butter.  A bit later a bag of 100cal popcorn.

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