Sunday, August 31, 2014

Day 861-67

Here's the full week long plan of food and exercise.  I figure I can at least get this down for the week.

Breakfast during the work week was a frittata and on lite food day I added a slice of toast with peanut butter.  I also had a bowl of bran cereal with chia seeds and a single slice of toast with an egg.  Did the Greek yogurt for snacks and had fish with a spinach salad for lunches, except for Friday when I went for a burger and fries.

Dinner was all over the place.  Had a spinach salad a couple of times and also went out for Mexican.  I did the protein smoothie on lite food day and one dinner was a small corn crust pizza with chicken strips.

The weekend was one big cheat weekend.  Didn't do it on purpose but it ended up being one on those times.

240lbs.  That's what I weighed on Sunday morning.  Now Sat morning I weighed 236lbs. Last Sat I weighed 230lbs.  Not happy but I didn't workout as much as normal ( work got in the way is my excuse) and it seems I was feeling quite hungry most days.  I ate out twice during the week (both of those were on Friday) and Sat once followed by spending the evening at friends for an impromptu game session.

I have felt hungry (more than usual) all week.  I'm wondering if the sleeping better has anything to do with it?  I was told that this would have an effect on my weight but was under the impression that it would help me reduce my weight not increase my weight.  I guess I'll have to wait and see.

My workouts this week were the walking, running, and kettle bell programs.  So I did get exercise.  I wasn't able to workout on Thurs or Friday or Sat though as work and fun caused an interruption of activities.  That still shouldn't have caused a ten pound weight gain though.

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